Hey All (no one…),
So I’ve decided after years of running various blogs for other people it was about time I created one for myself, I am still a little unsure on what to put on here but generally I’m thinking of uploading items I like, posting about several of my skills to teach people stuff and showing more of an insight.
I’d love to build up a nice reader base that contains various tech savvy keyboard warriors but that’s a bit of a way down the line and will require a bit more kudos/rep in the virtual world before I can build up a good strong readerbase,
let’s kick this off with some projects I’m currently pondering over –
Consultancy – This I think should be my main business, and is something I am keen to explore, now where to start..
Hosting Company – I’ll still be running this and putting more time in to look at expanding operations and driving more sales
Programming – still pondering over PHP or RoR, after playing with both it seems tough to decide what is better but RoR may be more suitable for MVP,
The reason I’ve decided to start now is simple, I have time! – after recently being constructively dismissed from my previous working environment I have time to spare and want to ‘make it on my own’ in this tough market, so here I am and starting this blog is just a minor step in getting my name out there and building up some ‘online rep’ for myself,
As this is the first post and just me blabbering about non-sense I’ll end it there and get writing something half productive and useful for someone,