A recent post I saw elsewhere described a scenario where a radio station had a competition running, the more text’s you could send them; the more chances to win and entries you received,

This got me thinking, my mobile contract provides me with ‘Unlimited Texts’ which may of course be under a fair use policy, although seems fairly unrestricted. With this information in hand and my trusty Android setup – we are going to setup a simple script to bombard any number with SMS messages,

Some uses for this script –

– Annoying the hell out of your friends
– Winning Radio Station Competitions
– SMS Bombing
– Spamming Nightclub Message Boards

Okay, so on to the script –


 adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.SENDTO -d sms:"+44123456789" --es sms_body "WINNING!" --ez exit_on_sent true
 adb shell input keyevent 22
 adb shell input keyevent 66
 SET /A resend=30
 timeout %resend%
 goto loop

The %resend% value will re-send the sms every 30seconds,

I should point out that despite the title of this little post, I wouldn’t recommend sms bombing anyone or sending a lot of texts in a very short period of time as you may end up in a little trouble, this post is just for a bit of fun! – SMS messages sent this way will have your mobile and network fingerprints all over it and so also shouldn’t be used in any professional business matters either, much better utilities out there for those deployments.